Global Electricity Instrumentation Services

Political Quality

By defining its global strategy, the company GEIS aims through its “quality management system” sustainable performance and continuous improvements of its work processes to ensure the satisfaction of its customers through quality service.

To achieve this global goal, GEIS operates according to the following guidelines:

  1. Move towards customer satisfaction and relevant requirements of other interested parties including, legal, regulatory and other requirements regarding health, worker safety and environmental balanced way to improve our brand image.
  2. Have an integrated system QHSE and metrology respectively certifiable and accredited.
  3. Acquire direct contracts with oil companies.
  4. To have sustainable growth and financial stability to guarantee the autonomy and future of society.
  5. Foster team spirit and skills development and a positive culture of prevention.
  6. To control the significant safety and environmental risks related to our activities, particularly for the construction and maintenance of electrical and instrumentation installations.
  7. Control and reduce the environmental aspects during each life cycle lighthouse of the various services.

Our permanent concern is to prove the quality and the reliability of our know-how in the execution of our various services and in the respect of the explicit and implicit needs of our customers.
Our policy is therefore primarily aimed at satisfying our customers,
it is accompanied by a systematic desire to go forward to maintain the evolution of our QMS.

It is in this context that GEIS is moving towards the implementation of a QMS that meets the referential requirements ISO/IEC 17025, TUNAC, ILAC and EA, in order to give external visibility in the realization of our services.

Axes de Notre Politique

  1. Respect and enforce the requirements of ISO / IEC 17025, TUNAC, ILAC and EA, as well as customer requirements, legal and regulatory requirements.
  2. Ensure good professional practices when performing calibration operations.
  3. Ensure the sustainability of the company by improving services and benefits.
  4. Ensure that all staff are aware of quality documentation and apply policies and procedures in their activities.
  5. Continually improve the efficiency of the quality management system by complying with ISO / IEC 17025 standards

Leadership and Commitment

Dans le cadre de notre stratégie de développement et pour répondre aux besoins et exigences de nos clients; nous nous sommes engagé à mettre en œuvre un système de management de la qualité afin d’instaurer une approche qualité transversale à tous les niveaux conformément aux référentiels ISO 9001, ISO/CEI 17025, TUNAC ,ILAC et EA

ISO 9001

ISO/CEI 17025

ISO 14001

OHSAS 18001